一直以來,艾蓮娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)都過著無憂無慮的生活,整日和花朵仙女們、唱歌、跳舞,開心又自在。不幸的是,一場可怕的疾病傳染了開來,花朵枯萎失去了往日的顏色,同伴們亦郁郁寡歡再也不能自由的飛向,看著昔日的樂園變成了如今的荒蕪,艾蓮娜心痛又焦急。 傳說守護天使阿祖那(Venus Terzo 配音)知道解決這一切麻煩的方法,可她卻身處遙遠的夢幻仙境之中,為了拯救賴以生存的家園和朋友們,勇敢的艾蓮娜義無反顧的踏上了冒險的旅程。在漫長而遙遠的旅途中困難重重,善良天真的艾蓮娜會遭遇怎樣的奇遇呢?她又能否順利的完成任務,重建美好的家園呢?
7.0 風箏人:嗚呼!
2.0 殺手猴第二季
5.0 爆炸貓
2.0 香腸聚會:食托邦第一季
7.0 尋家第一季
9.0 軍營史努比
2024 歐美動漫簡介:After discovering their troop is in danger of disbanding, Snoopy and the Beagle Scouts set off to immerse themselves in nature and the great outdoors to earn their badges, with the Beagle Scout Manual as their guide. Meanwhile, Charlie Brown and friends enjoy their summer at Camp Spring Lake, crossing paths with Snoopy as they experience hiking, swimming, sitting around campfir...