超萌超可愛的熊貓幼崽呼呼被國際功夫巨星Jackie(成龍 飾)認養(yǎng),滿心期待開啟新生活。然而,呼呼獨有的“大小眼”特別基因卻被國際犯罪組織盯上了,組織首領不惜懸賞雇傭兵一億美金發(fā)起了一場熊貓搶奪戰(zhàn)。面對突如其來的危機,新晉奶爸Jackie怎能袖手旁觀?他聯(lián)手金牌經(jīng)紀人(魏翔 飾)與熊貓保育員(史策 飾)全力展開營救!萬萬沒想到……這群反派好像不太聰明,一場驚險刺激卻又荒誕可笑的守“呼”行動就此開啟。
1.0 帥哥們
4.0 死亡大樂透
5.0 重見天日2024
2.0 分開同居
1973 喜劇簡介:The story of a man who goes out looking for hamburgers, while he has a beautiful steak at home. Frank and Eva can"t live together, but can"t live without each other either. He has sex with every woman he can get, while Eva wants to start a family. She, on the other hand, seeks more stability and wants to start a family. Out of frustration about his behavior, she starts an affai... -
1.0 跨界任務
9.0 蒜香滿屋